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Islamic Awakening Program
Islamic Awakening Program
In the modern era, we tend to understand things in our own way, and there are a lot of misconceptions in the community. The Islamic Awakening Program aims to spread the proper teachings of Islam as originally revealed to the Messenger of God Muhammad (peace be upon him).
activities of the
Islamic Awakening Program are
Islamic Awakening Program are
- Printing and distribution of CDs
- Printing and distribution of Pamphlets
- Islamic literature based on authentic sources of Islamic teaching
The Al Quran Pak is the religious scripture of the Muslims. It is a holy book whose revelation was sent down via the angel Jibreel (may Allah be pleased with him). The book is divided into 114 surahs or chapters. The longest surah of the Holy Quran is the second one, Al – Baqarah, which has a total of 286 verses and offers guidance on matters like marriage and divorce. The Holy Quran Pak hints at many realistic approaches and gives able information on many pretty accurate factors these days.
When you set out to learn from the free Quran online, you will know as per your schedule and convenience. It is a common saying that once you understand what you are reading, you will learn them in a better way. So, understand what and how the words are being recited! Also, if you perceive the words and their meaning, it will be easy to recite them from the bottom of your heart.
When you set out to learn from the free Quran online, you will know as per your schedule and convenience. It is a common saying that once you understand what you are reading, you will learn them in a better way. So, understand what and how the words are being recited! Also, if you perceive the words and their meaning, it will be easy to recite them from the bottom of your heart.

The Quran online lays down several commandments as to how people should lead their lives. It applies several references teaching you about the social and moral code of conduct. It also contains a comprehensive religious philosophy. You can readily get a copy of the free Quran which is commonly known by several names of which the common ones are al-Kitab (The Book), al- Burhan(The Argument), al – Hukm (The Judgement) and al – Rahmat (The Mercy).
The more you read the holy Quran, the better your understanding of the hard to comprehend Arabic texts. Understanding and pondering upon the authentic verses of the Holy book of Islam for free has now become easier! The incidents in the Quran are not narrated as a whole in any one surah or an entire chapter, but they are shuffled in the best possible manner as only Allah knows the best. Reciting the free Holy Quran on a daily note will assist you in a better understanding of the meaning behind each verse. The miracles presented in the Quran will help establish your belief in God in a stauncher manner and thus make you a better person altogether!
The more you read the holy Quran, the better your understanding of the hard to comprehend Arabic texts. Understanding and pondering upon the authentic verses of the Holy book of Islam for free has now become easier! The incidents in the Quran are not narrated as a whole in any one surah or an entire chapter, but they are shuffled in the best possible manner as only Allah knows the best. Reciting the free Holy Quran on a daily note will assist you in a better understanding of the meaning behind each verse. The miracles presented in the Quran will help establish your belief in God in a stauncher manner and thus make you a better person altogether!
An important and fundamental faith that you can learn from the Al Quran for free is about Ihsan. Ihsan is the highest status in the religion of Islam. It is rightfully quoted that our beloved Prophet Muhammad ﷺ is believed to have described Ihsan as ‘To worship Allah as if you see Him, and if you do not see Him, He sees you. Reading the Quran will help you strengthen your relationship with your Lord.
The holy Quran lays stress on the concept of Ihsan and stresses upon Muslims to act responsibly where they are supposed to do things reasonably and responsively. There is no denying that Ihsan means a Muhsen is sure that the Almighty sees them in everything that they do and say in life. The Quran underlines the fact that you have a watchful gaze on you, and thus having tawakkul will make things easy for you.
The holy Quran lays stress on the concept of Ihsan and stresses upon Muslims to act responsibly where they are supposed to do things reasonably and responsively. There is no denying that Ihsan means a Muhsen is sure that the Almighty sees them in everything that they do and say in life. The Quran underlines the fact that you have a watchful gaze on you, and thus having tawakkul will make things easy for you.

The people who recite from their copy of the free Quran book and the ones who listen to its recitation both receive immense rewards. The ones who listen attentively receive fruitful rewards and benefit their organ systems. The rhythmic sounds of the Arabic texts bring enormous relief that you desired for so long! Being an active listener and making the most of the free Quran distribution is really a win-win situation as it helps you to understand the context of the Quran in a more clarifying manner.
When you can avail the Holy Quran for free online, reading these wise words and guidance becomes a piece of cake! One of the everyday things that the Holy Al Quran stresses on is endurance. Life is full of challenges, and one needs to endure a lot of pain and pressure to emerge victoriously. With the able guidance, anyone can learn to be patient even in adverse situations and trust in the ways of the Almighty by having tawakkul.
When you can avail the Holy Quran for free online, reading these wise words and guidance becomes a piece of cake! One of the everyday things that the Holy Al Quran stresses on is endurance. Life is full of challenges, and one needs to endure a lot of pain and pressure to emerge victoriously. With the able guidance, anyone can learn to be patient even in adverse situations and trust in the ways of the Almighty by having tawakkul.
For free copies of Qurʾān (in English or other languages), CDs, pamphlets, and books please
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The Five Pillars of Islam

( Faith )
( Faith )

( Prayer )
( Prayer )

( Fasting )
( Fasting )

( Almsgiving )
( Almsgiving )

( Pilgrimage )
( Pilgrimage )
Time of salat
Dawn Prayer
Sunrise Time
Sunset Prayer
Evening Prayer
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